

Business lines

Software Development


The Client: Grupo Flesan

Grupo Flesan is a leading company in the construction and industrial services sector in Peru and Chile. It is characterized by its focus on innovation and the integration of technological solutions to improve its operations.


The Challenge

Challenges arose in terms of operational efficiency, especially in the approval process. Therefore, there was a need to simplify processes, reduce response times, and optimize decision-making within the framework of its operations in the construction and industrial services sector.


The Solution: "Approval Manager"

A mobile application was developed using Flutter (for iOS and Android) that integrates with the SAP module. This streamlined response times to requests between departments and digitized operational processes.

Quick Responses

The reduction in response times transformed not only productivity but also the responsiveness to operational challenges.

Quick Responses

Renewed Operational Efficiency

The mobile application injected agility into the approval processes, driving operational efficiency.

Renewed Operational Efficiency

Accelerated Strategic Decisions

Digitization refined decision-making, vital for the approval process.

Accelerated Strategic Decisions

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