
Real Estate

Business lines

ERP Service


The Client: Urbi

URBI is a company dedicated to the development of urban projects. Specializing in sustainable and profitable initiatives, it contributes to the construction of efficient and inclusive cities nationwide.


The Challenge

URBI faced the challenge of managing its business processes more efficiently and integratedly. They wanted to implement a solution that would unify key areas such as CRM, sales, accounting, projects, and purchases.


The Solution

The Odoo ERP was implemented, covering key modules such as CRM, sales, accounting, projects, and purchases. The implementation was customized after analyzing URBI's structure, processes, and long-term goals. This strategy ensured a solution that would adapt to the company's specific needs.

Operational Agility

The implementation of Odoo simplified and accelerated processes in key areas such as sales, accounting, and projects.

Operational Agility

Strategic Improvement

The integration of modules provided URBI with a unified view of operations, facilitating strategic decision-making that is both informed and effective.

Strategic Improvement

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