

Business lines

Software Development


The Client: Antamina

Antamina, one of the ten largest mines in the world, is a Peruvian mining company committed to excellence, safety, and environmental sustainability, promoting development from the Andes to the world.


The Challenge

Antamina sought to foster autonomous learning among its employees. To achieve this, they needed a system to manage the loaning of books from their new library, thus encouraging the continuous education of their staff.


The Solution: "Digital Library Manager"

The "Digital Library Manager" was created to facilitate the administration and search of books, as well as tracking loans and returns. For this purpose, Angular was utilized.

Effective Inventory Management

The digitization of book management improved the organization and accessibility of the library inventory, facilitating its updating and handling.

Effective Inventory Management

Access and Usage for Employees

The search module in the app increased library usage, supporting self-learning and professional development of employees.

Access and Usage for Employees

Loan Monitoring

Tracking and monitoring of loans allowed for efficient resource management, preventing book loss and ensuring their availability.

Loan Monitoring

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